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The doctor who championed hand-washing and briefly saved lives
This is the story of a man whose ideas could have saved a lot of lives and spared countless numbers of women and newborns’ feverish and agonizing deaths. You’ll notice I said “could have.” The year was 1846, and our would-be hero was a Hungarian doctor named Ignaz Semmelweis. Semmelweis was a man of his time, according to Justin Lessler, an assistant professor at Johns Hopkins School of Public Health. Continue reading
New study finds hospital patients are not washing their hands
Health technology company Infonaut, a MaRS client, has released a study showing that hospital patients may be at significant risk of infection due to their own poor hand hygiene. The findings were measured in a Toronto hospital using Infonaut’s Hospital Watch Live™ system, innovative technology designed to assist hospitals in monitoring and controlling the spread of infections by analyzing the movement and behavior of hospital staff, patients and equipment. Continue reading
2014 Year in Review: Hand-in-Scan
Thank you for being supportive and helping us raise awareness of the importance of hand washing among hundreds of people. The Hand-in-Scan team wishes you and your family Merry Christmas and a successful and germ-free new year! Continue reading