Norovirus often gets attention for outbreaks on cruise ships, but those account for only about 1% of all reported norovirus outbreaks. Norovirus is very contagious, and outbreaks can occur anywhere people gather or food is served. People with norovirus usually vomit and have diarrhea. Continue reading
Norovirus outbreaks of international cruise ships
Cruise ships participating in the Vessel Sanitation Program (VSP) are required to report the total number of gastrointestinal (GI) illness cases–including zero–evaluated by the medical staff before the ship arrives at a U.S. port, when sailing from a foreign port. Continue reading
Gastrointestinal illness cases on cruise ships
291 Cruise ship outbreak of gastrointestinal (GI) illness cases were reported since 1994. In 29 cases specimens were not obtained, thus further investigation was not carried out. When identified Norovirus was far the most common causative agent (195 cases, 67 %), fall behind Enterotoxigenic E. coli (12 cases, 4,12 %). Continue reading
Communicable diseases on vacation
Here are some of the most widespread disease to know about when you traveling abroad.
Gastrointestinal disease
Most of the detected gastrointestinal disease outbreaks associated with cruise ships have been linked to food or water consumed on board. Continue reading