Educate Visitors

Challenge: Visitors can bring germs to hospitals and usually do not have any hand hygiene training.

Solution: Semmelweis Scanner can educate the correct hand hygiene practice to visitors without involving hospital human resources.

In the case of visitors, intuitive visual feedback on hand hygiene is essential powerful educational tool, because visitors do not typically have any relevant background. Semmelweis Scanner is designed to help people to learn the technique of proper hand hygiene. It can be customized to be used by professionals and laymen alike.

A Semmelweis Scanner was placed into the pediatric ward for 6 weeks in 2014 at the Albert Szent-Györgyi Medical and Pharmaceutical Centre. During this period, both visitors and medical staff members were required to use the scanner. Visitors’ most frequently missed areas were the same as those of the healthcare workers—the thumbs and fingertips—while their initial failure rate was significantly higher than that of the trained professionals.