Hand Hygiene Blog



We have moved our hand hygiene blog to another location. Our new site will give the chance to comment our posts and search older posts easier. We hope that these changes will bring us closer.

Hand Hygiene and Watches


In our recent post, we summarized how rings may affect hand hygiene and why ring wearing during patient care is a complicated issue. Healthcare-workers (HCW) wear watches and bracelets almost as often as rings, so next, we collected some evidence regarding watches and hand hygiene. Read more

What Shall Be the Optimal Pass–Fail Criteria for Hand Hygiene?


We already know how we should hand rub and when we should perform hand hygiene, but under what conditions can the hand hygiene event be considered successful? We focused on this during the following study, aiming to identify optimal pass-fail criteria for hand hygiene technique.
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Hand Hygiene and Rings – Part 2


In our recent post, we summarized what hand hygiene guidelines suggests about wearing rings, and what scientific evidence exists. As it was shown, results in this field are a bit controversial.

How can it happen that some studies find strong correlation, while others do not? Read more

Hand Hygiene and Rings – Part 1


Should healthcare-workers (HCW) be allowed to wear rings during patient care? What do guidelines say, and what scientific evidence exists? Read more

Evidence-based Hand Hygiene


In a previous post, we wrote about our experiments to prove the close connection between microbiology results and hand coverage. We continued our study, and completed the validation of the fluorescent method (Lehotsky et al. 2017). Read more

Can We Forget How to Handrub?


Why repeated hand hygiene trainings are mandatory? How big problem skill retention is? One of our major clinical studies (Lehotsky et al. 2015) aimed to answer these questions. Read more

Healthcare-Associated Infection Surveillance in Europe


Many European countries created national systems for the surveillance of Healthcare-associated infections (HAI), due to the different definitions and methodology of data collection comparison between the countries was impossible before. Read more